“To David Holkeboer, with many thanks for his very artistic and human support. With all best wishes.” Martial Singher
“Directing the music and playing the piano beautifully was David Holkeboer.” Bernard Holland, New York Times
“She [Alba Quesada] was accompanied by David Holkeboer, a magnificent pianist who is also her vocal coach. He was so musically sensitive and played with such artistry that I echo the comments of many in the audience who wished that the concert had included a piano solo.” The State Journal-Register, Springfield , Illinois
“In all this [recital with Susan Dunn], David Holkeboer was an unusually probing partner at the piano, shading with rare delicacy and eloquence.” The Miami Herald
“Gustav Mahler’s cycle, “Songs of a Wayfarer,” was written to be performed with orchestra, and such works often lose much of their effectiveness when performed with piano. Holkeboer, however, provided an extremely sensitive reading; and the sound of the piano never became tiring as is often the case with reductions.” The Register, Danville, Viginia
“His technique was clean and sure, and his collaboration on the popular American music was especially sensitive. . . . . Holkeboer’s sound was a nostalgic backdrop for Quezada’s weeping willow in Carlos Guastavino’s ‘La Rosa y el Sauce.'” Tallahassee Democrat
“[Holkeboer] cut loose sonorously in the Sibelius songs.” Will Crutchfield, New York Times